The Seafair Grant Program

Applications for the 2025 Seafair Grant Program are now open. The deadline to submit an application is October 1, 2025.

Submit a Proposal

Start Preparing Your Proposal

Every other year, in odd numbered years, WSSA offers grant funding of up to $10,000 to Washington physician anesthesiologist members who are beginning to conduct research. The Seafair Grant is intended as a starter grant for an early investigator, rather than adding to already-funded large research projects. Awardees will be notified by December 31, 2025. The Seafair Grant will not fund any indirect or overhead costs e.g. travel, lodging, presenting at meetings, etc. Awardees will be required to present their research at a WSSA Scientific Meeting within two years of receipt of the grant.

Your research proposal should include:

  • Principal Investigator(s)
  • Research aims, significance, and methods
  • Timetable
  • Budget
  • Keywords


  • Are there any formatting requirements? There are no current formatting requirements.
  • Is there a page limit for the research plan? There is a three-page maximum limit. 
  • Are matching funds allowable? The grant can be used for additional funding and can be combined with other funds ONLY if it will be funding a new project, not one already in progress.

Please Note: Proposals will be evaluated blindly, so please avoid referencing specific institutions or investigators in your submission. (Personal organization information collected above in this form will not be sent to the review committee, but will be used for internal purposes.)

Questions? Email the WSSA Office.

Submit a Proposal

Past Recipients


  • Ksenia Ershova, MD, "Perioperative and Health Outcomes in Patients with Different Causes of Anemia"


  • Kelly Michaelsen, MD, PhD., "Automated Pressure Transducer Leveling System”


  • Christine Oryhan, MD, "The effect of an opioid-free anesthetic on post-operative opioid consumption after laparoscopic bariatric surgery: a prospective, single-blinded, randomized controlled trial"


  • Lauren R. Steffel, MD, “Defining Normal Postoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging after Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Crucial Step to Understanding and Managing Local Anesthetic-Induced Myotoxicity”


  • Sheena Hembrador, MD, “Building an inexpensive tool to help localize the radial artery and thus Increase first-time success rates of arterial cannulation, that is more readily accessible than an ultrasound”


  • Vijay Krishnamoorthy, MD, “Evaluation of Acute Changes in Cardiac Function in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury”


  • Armagan Dagal, MD, “Effect of Systemic Blood Pressure Variation on Spinal Cord Perfusion”
  • Stephan Thilen, MD, “Frequency and Patterns of Preoperative Consultation among Surgical Specialties: A Study using Premera Blue Cross Insurance Data"


  • Mayumi Horibe, MD, “Computerized Glucose Control in the Critically Ill Patients”
  • Elizabeth Wako, MD, “The Use of Transthoracic Ultrasound to Triage Patients in Preanesthesia Clinic”